Swimming Pool Barrier Tips

Read these 9 Swimming Pool Barrier Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pool Safety tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How Loud Should My Swimming Pool Alarm Be?

Swimming Pool Alarm Sounds And High Decibles

Swimming pool alarms are one part of a pool barrier.
However, the volume and sound of the alarm is just as important as the device itself. Guidelines for most models say that the alarm should sound out 85 decibels at 10 feet from the device. It should also have a different sound from other alarms and should be a distinct noise.
Test out alarms with your pool safety retailer to find one that will work best for the location of your swimming pool.

Is It Okay to Keep Furniture Around Swimming Pool?

Move All Furniture From Pool Area

Be sure that there is no furniture, or any other items, around your swimming pool barrier that might assist someone in climbing over or around the pool barrier.
Remove anything within close proximity to your swimming pool barrier or keep furniture around your swimming pool inside of the swimming pool barrier.

What Should I Do If My Community Pool Does Not Have A Swimming Pool Fence?

Check for Barriers in Community Pools

Some apartment complexes, health clubs or community pools do not have a swimming pool barrier around community swimming pools.
If this is the case, teach your children why barriers SHOULD be in place, make sure they are never out of your sight when outdoors and be sure to locate any swimming pool rescue equipment in the event of an accident or emergency.

Are Handrails A Good Investment?

Consider Safety Handrails for Elderly Swimmers

Safety handrails are another pool safety product homeowners should use in conjunction with a pool barrier. They can be installed in any area around the swimming pool.
Most handrails are stainless steel to keep them from rusting or being damaged from constant contact with water and the heat of the sun.
Handrails promote proper techniques for getting in and out of the swimming pool. This is especially helpful for children and frailer, older swimmers.

What Other Pool Safety Products Should I Invest In?

Invest In A Safety Line

One excellent addition to your assembly of swimming pool safety products and swimming pool barriers is a safety line.
If there is an emergency and someone is in distress, a safety line can come in handy to help rescue another person. You simply throw them the line to grab and pull them to safety.
Experts recommend this because a secondary drowning often occurs when those who think they are strong swimmers try to save another person. Those uncertified in water rescue should try, at all costs, to use proper precautions when trying to help a swimmer in distress.

Can I Have A Solid Swimming Pool Barrier?

Solid Swimming Pool Barriers Should Be Smooth

Some swimming pool barriers are solid structures, such as brick with a gated entrance. Be sure that there is no way to get a foothold on the solid structure to get over or under it to gain access to the swimming pool.
Have your contractor smooth out any surfaces or crevices that can help a child gain entry.

Do I Need A Barrier For My Indoor Pool?

Indoor Pools Need Pool Barrier

Indoor pools also need a pool barrier. A power-operated pool cover and an indoor fence is a good combination for an indoor pool. The fence will help to keep children out of the area unsupervised, much like an outdoor fence.
However, in most cases, indoor fencing is harder to install and is often not as tall. This is why a power-operated pool cover is ideal because you can simply keep the pool covered at all times, until you are ready to swim.
Oftentimes, pool fencing companies will make a home visit to assess your pool barrier needs. Have them to suggest an ideal swimming pool barrier for your indoor swimming pool to avoid potential accidents.

How Often Should I Inspect My Pool Barrier?

Regularly Inspect Swimming Pool Barriers

At least once every week or two, inspect every crevice in, on and around your swimming pool barrier. Check and make sure there are no holes, tears and erosion in the fencing, make sure hinges are tight and that there is no way a child can force their way through the pool barrier. Have your pool contractor come out semi-annually to check and make sure there are no problems with any of the barriers around your pool.

Which Way Should The Jets In My Pool Be Aimed?

Aim Jets Towards Shallow End of Pool

To add to the various levels of protection in your swimming pool, it's advisable to aim the jets in your pool towards the shallow end. While this may seem like a small step to take, it is significant, particularly if you have small children who play with big, bright toys in the pool. Aiming jets towards the shallow end of the pool is beneficial because it will move floats and toys to that end and could help to avoid accidents or children wandering towards the deep end of the pool.

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Sherril Steele-Carlin